Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

The Introduction of the Opium Wars started when Britian attempted to trade Tea with China. Since China were Isonalists, they weren't too fond of Trading with others or being around other people. Thinking very clever, the British started giving a drug called Opium to China. Opium was a very addictive to the Chinese. After numerous amount of Opium given by the British, Britian finally stopped supplying China with Opium. Britian then made an agreement with China. When China traded Tea with Britian, then Opium will be supplied in China once again. However the Chinese weren't too fond of this.

This event lead to the Opium Wars. It was Britian's destiny to get Tea from China. Since Tea didn't grow in Britian much, the Brtish needed China's Tea. In the Opium War, there were numerous back to back attacks from China and Britian. However at the end, Britian was successful.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In the movie, "Mountains of the Moon", Europeans faced numerous Hardships. Some hardships were Milleria, running into a "crazy" African Tribes, Several Days of Bad Hyigene, Little Amount of Water, and many more. However, these Hardships still encouarged the European Explorers to find the sources of the Nile River. When the European Explorers John Speke and Richard Burton discovered the source of the Nile River, they were really proud. Speke and Burton then named the lake, Lake Victoria after the Queen of England. It's strange that the Lake is named Victoria because the Lake was found in Africa. Victoria was a Queen in England not Africa. To my opinion it doesn't make sense to name a Lake after a white lady in a Continent where most of the population is Black.

Europeans was technogically more advanced than Africans, hence the reason why they were able to conquer Africa with ease. The machine - powered weapons really assisted he Europeans. Africans weren't really exposed much to Guns. So when Europeans and Africans would clash, Africans would die with ease and their land would be Europe's now.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

We did the Imperialism Project to get a better understanding of Imperialism. Many students don't actually know what the word Imperialism mean. So this project was a way for students to know more. When we had to color in land, add symbols (such as spices and gold) and draw shipping routes, we got a better understanding of Imperialism.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Philosopher Karl Marx was born in Germany. He didn't agree much with the Industrial Revolution. He thought that the Revolution was bad for people's health and was taking over their lives. Marx then invented Communism. Communism is when the Government controls everything including Businesses, Houses, and many more. Karl Marx thought that Communism would ease the lives of people during the Industrial Revolution. In Marx point of view, the bad guys in the Industrial Revolution was the Business Owners. The Good Guys in the Industrial Revolution were the workers. Marx wanted all to have the equal amount of money and power, the reason he created the Industrial Revolution.

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution left both Positive and Negative Effects on many people. Some liked the Revolution, while others weren't too fond of it. Well, a man named Karl Marx was one of those who didn't like the Industrial Revolution. Marx didn't like the fact that Pollution was spreaded due to numerous factories in this time period. Marx then decided to invent Communism. Communism was invented because Marx thought that this would cut down the air pollution from the environment. Today Communism is still in effect in numerous countries. Communism is the opposite of Capitalism.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and The Creation of Italy

The word Nationalism could mean many things. It could mean supporting your nation, belonging to your nation, and fighting for your nation. However there is one more thing you need to be Nationalistic, you have to love your country. Nationalism is everywhere in the United States. Americans speak the same language (English), support troops in War, celebrate American Holidays (such as the 4th of July), and even root for Americans in the Olympics. One example to show that I'am Nationalistic is that, I always have a 4th of July Party at my house to celebrate America's Independence Day.

Nationalism helped create Italy to be the independent nation we know today. When Nationalism broke apart Empires, it also created new ones. Italy was once in an Empire.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar is a well known hero in South America. Bolivar helped many South American countries win their independence from European Countries. After traveling to London, Bolivar came up with the idea to start a Revolution in South America. On his way back to South America, Bolivar stopped in the United States to learn their system of Government. After acquiring knowledge of Government and Independence Bolivar became confident in starting a Revolution in South America.

In South America a county is named after the infamous Simon Bolivar. Bolivia was one of the countries in South America Bolivar helped recieve independence for. Deeply Influenced by the French, Enlightment Thinkers and Greek, Bolivar fought and recieved independence for: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Panama, and Ecuador.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

On July 4, every year we take the time out to remember that special day America recieved its freedom. The Declaration of Independence helped Americans recieve freedom and happiness. Though we know Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, we don't exactly know who influenced him of writing it.

John Locke (an English Philosopher) wanted positive things for Americans. According to the Document, John seeked for Americans the right to live, liberty, and finally The Pursuit of Happiness. Thomas Jefferson, had similar ideas due to John Locke. He also seeked Americans the Right to Live in peace, Liberty, and Happiness.

According to the Document, the Governemnet recieves its Power from the people. Citizens of the United States are allowed to elect and nominate the Governement Members. In order to balance the rights of the Governement, there is something called "The Three Branches of Government". The Three Branches of Government include, the Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, and The Executive Branch.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and The Trial of Galileo

Back in Elementary School we learned about the Solar System and all the Planets. We also learned that the Sun revolves around the Earth. However, back in the 1500s there was a huge debate of which theory is corrected between Heliocentric and Genocentric. Similar to the Evolution vs Creation Debate, people just took information from others without asking for any evidence. We will find out which theory came out first, and which one is correct.

The Genocentric Theory was actually the first theory to come out. This theory supported the fact that the Earth revolved around the Sun. Many were convinced that this theory was the correct theory. However, The Genocentric Theory isn't the correct theory for one reason, the sun isn't the center of the universe. The Sun revolves around the Earth.

The Heliocentric Theory is the most accurate theory. Though some may disagree with it, this theory was actually proven correct. Scientists used the Scientific Method and observed that Earth stood still, while the Sun revolved.

These two theories caused a lot of tension between many people similar to the Evolution vs Creation. The Trial Of Galileo was a case of Science vs Religion (the church). Catholics didn't approve of the fact that the Earth was not the center of the universe. Galileo was punished with House Arrest.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

Before the 1500s, a lot of People would beleive in something based on what other humans said. No one dared asked for any clues or proofs to support their answer. People continued to beleive in things that weren't proven until the Scienitfic Revolution. The Scienitfic Revolution was a new way of thinking that challenenged these so - called facts proved by the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

The Scientific Method and the Scienitific Revoulution is quite different. Many of us students have used a procedure quite similar to the Scienitific Method. The Scienitific Method include an Observation, Analysis, and Hypothesis. When this method was created, Scientists refused to consume the knowledge of just people. They constantly and constantly experimented to prove or disprove an idea or statement.

One example of a scientist that used the Scientific Method was Galileo. Galileo tested Aristotle wrong when he said heavier objects would be able to fall faster than lighter objects. For approxmiately 1.500 years many believed of this theory. One day, Galileo took numerous objects of numerous weights, and threw them down the Leaning Tower of Pisa. As Galileo dropped the objects he observed that all objects fall at the same rate.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution vs Creation

The theory of Humans evolving from Primates (Evolution) and the theory of Humans being created by God (Creation) is a very good debate for Americans. Fifty Percent of Americans believe in Evolution, and the other Fifty beleive in Creation. When you compare and contrast these two theories, some very good points are mentioned.

Statistics show that Scientists would believe in Evolution over Creation. According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Humans began to change at stages in a steady rate.

Religious People such as Pastors, Bishops, and etc would however beleive in Creation. The Bible and many lectures given by prestigious prophets would support the theory of creation for many. Additionally, the Bible addresses that God created the world and animals. In the book of Genesis (Old Testament), it says "and the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

Between Evolution and Creation, I definetly side with Creation. At a young age I would often learn about God's Work of creating everything. The Bible is a very powerful boook that helped me choose Creation over Evolution.