Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

The Introduction of the Opium Wars started when Britian attempted to trade Tea with China. Since China were Isonalists, they weren't too fond of Trading with others or being around other people. Thinking very clever, the British started giving a drug called Opium to China. Opium was a very addictive to the Chinese. After numerous amount of Opium given by the British, Britian finally stopped supplying China with Opium. Britian then made an agreement with China. When China traded Tea with Britian, then Opium will be supplied in China once again. However the Chinese weren't too fond of this.

This event lead to the Opium Wars. It was Britian's destiny to get Tea from China. Since Tea didn't grow in Britian much, the Brtish needed China's Tea. In the Opium War, there were numerous back to back attacks from China and Britian. However at the end, Britian was successful.

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