Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution vs Creation

The theory of Humans evolving from Primates (Evolution) and the theory of Humans being created by God (Creation) is a very good debate for Americans. Fifty Percent of Americans believe in Evolution, and the other Fifty beleive in Creation. When you compare and contrast these two theories, some very good points are mentioned.

Statistics show that Scientists would believe in Evolution over Creation. According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Humans began to change at stages in a steady rate.

Religious People such as Pastors, Bishops, and etc would however beleive in Creation. The Bible and many lectures given by prestigious prophets would support the theory of creation for many. Additionally, the Bible addresses that God created the world and animals. In the book of Genesis (Old Testament), it says "and the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

Between Evolution and Creation, I definetly side with Creation. At a young age I would often learn about God's Work of creating everything. The Bible is a very powerful boook that helped me choose Creation over Evolution.

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