Thursday, September 24, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

On July 4, every year we take the time out to remember that special day America recieved its freedom. The Declaration of Independence helped Americans recieve freedom and happiness. Though we know Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, we don't exactly know who influenced him of writing it.

John Locke (an English Philosopher) wanted positive things for Americans. According to the Document, John seeked for Americans the right to live, liberty, and finally The Pursuit of Happiness. Thomas Jefferson, had similar ideas due to John Locke. He also seeked Americans the Right to Live in peace, Liberty, and Happiness.

According to the Document, the Governemnet recieves its Power from the people. Citizens of the United States are allowed to elect and nominate the Governement Members. In order to balance the rights of the Governement, there is something called "The Three Branches of Government". The Three Branches of Government include, the Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, and The Executive Branch.

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