Monday, May 10, 2010

Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev was elected the President of Russia at the age of 54. Elected at a very young age, Gorbachev was very well educated on Economics and Politics. Very different from other Russian Leaders such as Joseph Stalin, Gorbachev wasn't as strict and opposed the way of Totalitarianism. Knowing that Communism was in fact bringing down the economy, Gorbachev knew that Communism was soon going to collapse, and didn't hesitate one bit to keep it a secret. This led to what is called Glasnost. Glasnost was a way to open the government secret, and let everyone know what was going on. Additionally, Gorbachev created the Peristrokia which was a way for people to open small businesses and local managers to have control over their farms and factories. Though these ideas failed, Communism collapsed.Russia is still presently adjusting to the change of Capitalism.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Collapse of Communism

Little Support, Political Downfall and Economic Conflicts, were some reasons why Communism in Eastern Europe collapsed. Joseph Stalin's poor decision making, led the USSR to collapse. Putting money into Defensive Arms as opposed to the country itself led to the collapse. The Soviet Union collapsed due to the fact that there was no money. Socialism and numerous competitions also led the Soviet Union to collapse. The Collapse of Communism did in fact change the world because numerous countries changed in to Capitalists in a blink of an eye.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was a Racial Segregation Policy in South Africa. Very similar to Racial Discrimination in the United States, Apartheid lasted from 1948 - 1990. The policy showed how Whites were superior over Blacks. Colored Africans (also known as Bantus) weren't privileged enough to do as many things as Whites were. Due to the fact that many people opposed this policy, the African National Congress (ANC) was formed. One of the most notable members of this Political Party was Nelson Mandela. Following his mind and heart lead Nelson Mandela to serve 26 years in prison. After 26 years, on February 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela was released out of prison with the independence of South Africa still on his mind. Writing the book "Long Walk to Freedom" represents Mandela's struggle to overcome apartheid and gain freedom. Nelson Mandela is such a hero because of his will to better South Africans. All though Mandela was imprisoned for 26 years, he still had the determination to receive independence for South Africa. Authors admire his character and will to never give up!